APOSS staff provides technical assistance in preparation of plant design modifications related to safety upgrade or maneuverability. Technical assistance covers supporting DSA and PSA analyses and preparation of various licensing documents, according to U.S. NRC regulations (e.g. 10CFR50.59, NUREG-0800, NUREG-1431, etc.), IAEA SSR/SSG requirements/guidelines, European Utility Requirements (EUR) or particular national guidelines, as needed. APOSS assistance covers licensing support in accordance with 10CF50.59 (conditions under which licensees may make changes to the facility or procedures and conduct tests or experiments without prior Regulator approval) or support in preparation of license amendment. 

The list of technical assistance works is given in (file APoSS_DMP_support.pdf).

APOSS - System Reliability and Safety Analyses Inc. for services and engineering

APOSS – System Reliability and Safety Analyses Inc. for services and engineering