Over the years, APOSS’s staff was involved in implementation of variety of training courses (classroom as well as on-the-job), workshops and seminars worldwide, in the roles of lecturers, trainers or mentors. Organizers, hosts and attendees were of different backgrounds and included:

  • National regulators and safety authorities in different countries;
  • Electrical utilities / operators of nuclear power plants;
  • Technical support organizations, engineering houses and industry;
  • International organizations such as IAEA; particularly, APOSS’s staff was included in numerous IAEA assignments worldwide as invited international experts -lecturers at training courses or workshops.

APOSS offers customized training courses or workshops in the areas including:

  • Safety Assessment of NPPs for design basis (DB), extended DB and severe accident (SA) conditions, including:
    • Defense-in-depth functional assessment;
    • Safety margins evaluation and quantification;
    • Support to safety-important decision making, and other aspects;
  • Severe accident management at NPPs, including:
    • Severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) technical bases;
    • SAMG development;
    • Level 2 PSA support;
    • Capacity building, emergency planning and response, and other aspects;
  • Deterministic Safety Analyses for DB, extended DB and SA conditions:
    • Traditional conservative approaches and best estimation plus uncertainty (BEPU) methods;
    • Use of computer codes for deterministic safety analyses;
    • Support to plant design development and its modification;
    • Support to operational events investigations, and other aspects;
  • Safety review:
    • Regulatory review and assessment:
      • Safety analysis for DB, extended DB and SA conditions;
      • Level 1 and Level 2 PSA;
      • Preliminary / Final Safety Analysis Report;
    • Independent / peer review of safety assessment / analysis;
    • Review / assessment and validation of emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and SAMGs;
    • Periodic Safety Review;
  • Elements of Level 1 and Level 2 PSA: Assessment, modeling and quantification of
    • Core damage risk metrics;
    • Radioactivity release risk metrics;
  • Low power and shutdown PSA; Spent Fuel Pool PSA;
  • Seismic PSA and other external events (OEE) PSA;
  • PSA applications: Optimization of Technical Specifications; optimization of in-service inspection programs; graded QA / SSC classification; risk monitoring; risk significance of events and issues; prioritization of corrective measures; development of EOPs / SAMGs
  • Elements of reliability and risk assessment for facilities and systems.

The scope and duration of a training course can be tailored according to customer’s needs and desires. Number of attendees per course, extent of practical exercises included and other relevant aspects are subject agreement and depend on the specific case and objective. APOSS staff would provide recommendations beforehand, based on its past experience with similar courses.

APOSS - System Reliability and Safety Analyses Inc. for services and engineering

APOSS – System Reliability and Safety Analyses Inc. for services and engineering